Coastal Hazard Training Opportunity in Honolulu
Brown, Larry
11 years ago
Aloha Puna,

For anyone interested and happening to be in Honolulu on March 10 or
willing to travel there in order to attend, two training opportunities
are available dealing with Coastal Flood Risk Reduction and Coastal
Community Resilience. For more information flyers with registration
information is posted HERE
oastal-flood-risk-reduction-training> .


Larry Brown, Planner

County of Hawai'i

Planning Department

101 Pauahi Street, Suite 3

Hilo, Hawai'i 96720

Phone: (808) 961-8135

FAX: (808) 961-8742

email: lbrown-l7SuPNPEDxkwHo/***@public.gmane.org <mailto:lbrown-l7SuPNPEDxkwHo/***@public.gmane.org>